“She would place her hand on my neck when we walked together, and I felt like I belonged to her. Like I had been yearning for this belonging my entire life. I gave her those pieces of myself without any resistance because she was everything I had ever expected love to be.”
E. and the narrator meet as they come of age. For both of them, it is their first love story. For fifteen years, they separate, reunite, and love each other intensely but always from a distance. Until the final breakup and the narrator’s collapse. From that point on, writing becomes necessary. To ensure that everything truly existed. To hold onto memories before they fade away. To move forward and keep sane.
Aurélie Lacroix revives the intimacy of this relationship, as powerful as it is chaotic, supported by loved ones who surround her, invoking the works of art that have always accompanied and comforted her. Between control and passion, she renews the imagination of a love rupture and brilliantly and sensitively proves that creation can literally save lives.