Trames assists publishing houses in the transfer of rights in order to give a second life to books: foreign rights, paperback rights, audiovisual rights, graphic adaptation rights, club, large print, audio books.
The Trames team is present at the major international literary fairs (Frankfurt, London) as well as at the main audiovisual festivals (Cannes, Séries Mania, MIPTV...).
Trames also participates in meetings organized by the BIEF (Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Portugal), in Fellowships in Toronto, Tbilisi, Turin and Istanbul, and in meetings organized by the SCELF (Shoot The Book Cannes, Los Angeles, rencontres Livres Paris...).
Trames represents Editions de l’Olivier, La Manufacture de livres, Le Quartanier, Cambourakis, La Mèche, Poètes de brousse, Le Caïman…
Les mots bleus
Poèmes karaoké
Arrêt sur enfance
Sunday Morning
The Little Corporal
La dernière étape
The Little Fascist
The Husband
We Know Nothing About You
The Ukraine