There were small towns with their churches, a few shops, fields, and in the distance, the power plant. It was a peaceful corner surrounded by mountains and forests. Until the accident. Evacuation was necessary, the area was condemned, and people fled from the radiation. However, some chose to stay nonetheless. Too many memories tied them to these places, and they wouldn’t have truly found their place elsewhere. Marc, Alessandro, Lorna, Sarah, and Fred are among them. Their friendship allows them to hold on, to become the unnecessary witnesses of this human desert with lush grass and poisoned soil. Nothing should make them falter or separate. Yet, all it takes is a spark for the thirst for a different future to be reborn: a child will soon be among them.
Laurent Petitmangin, always deeply moving in his humanity, tells us about indelible memories, irrepressible instincts, and life that always imposes its law in the heart of these lands returned to the animal kingdom.