Tobi Lakmaker

Ma sexualité en toutes lettres

The History of My Sexuality

September 5, 2024
256 pages
128 × 190 mm
21 €
Translated from the Dutch by Daniel Cunin

“Littérature étrangère” collection

																Tobi Lakmaker, Ma sexualité en toutes lettres
																Tobi Lakmaker, Ma sexualité en toutes lettres

A funny, intelligent story of an extraordinary youth.

When he wrote this phenomenon in the Netherlands, Tobi was Sofie, a young student with a passion for soccer and a cheeky writer whose mother has just died. Sofie, who already sees herself as a literary luminary, gives an unvarnished account of those who pass through her sex life: Walter the recruitment consultant, Crétin D. the romance writer, Jennifer the actress in need of a role, Rose the team captain. Her story becomes general, sensitive, always biting. Kafka, lesbian fundamentalists, the Holocaust, TV stars, Adorno, loneliness, love, death—no subject is foreign to Lakmaker’s writing.

The author

Writer and columnist Tobi Lakmaker was born in 1994 and lives in Amsterdam.
After briefly studying Russian and literature, he completed his studies in philosophy in 2018. The History of My Sexuality is his first book.


“the phrase "less girl, more boy" is fitting for a novel that depicts life as a process of change, questioning and discovery; and by doing so, touches on something closer to the truth.”

The Guardian.
September 5, 2024
256 pages
128 × 190 mm
21 €
Translated from the Dutch by Daniel Cunin

“Littérature étrangère” collection