Clémentine Beauvais is back with a comedy that goes Sheban-pow-pow-whizz!
The President of the Republic has decided that every student must do a year of civic service somewhere in France between his third and second year. Valentin Lemonnier is not lucky: his wishes are not respected, and he is sent to the Pas-de-Calais, to a center for elderly people suffering from Alzheimer’s, meticulously reconstructed to resemble a village from the 1960s.
His first mission seems simple enough: to write a letter to a resident who answered a contest in a 1967 Salut les copains, to tell her that, unfortunately, Françoise Hardy won’t be able to come sing in their town.
Except that it is difficult to announce such bad news. So he announces the opposite. Françoise Hardy will come! He commits himself to it personally. And to do this, he will have to find a look-alike of the star, who will sing his hit La maison où j’ai grandi to all the residents.