The Copycat is a murderer who kills by imitating other criminals whose modes of action he has seen in the media. Usually he is a serial killer himself. This mimicry can go as far as copying fictitious crimes described in books, films or series.
An inspector wakes up in the hospital in front of a colleague and her boss. He narrowly escaped a fire while chasing a dangerous copycat. The latter has already killed three people, three people suspected of committing crimes, three people who were murdered as they had probably murdered their victims themselves. And these three people had one thing in common: they had managed to escape justice.
Who is this copycat who thinks he can make up for the imperfections of justice, could he himself belong to the justice system, or even to the police?
Investigating the scene of the crimes, the inspector had accumulated clues up until this fire. In shock, he seems to have lost his memory, he seems to have forgotten that all this evidence led to one man, himself.