At the school, at the factory, at the barracks, at the grocery store, a great celebration resounds for a whole year without knowing what animates all the inhabitants. A wind of freedom blows through the dances, music and songs that invade the city. The inhabitants formed farandoles, parades of dancers, singers and musical instruments in the middle of the streets. They danced, played and sang until they were exhausted. Then they lay down in the grass of the gardens. They smiled broadly, their bodies and hearts satisfied. It threw a thousand and one colors! But why these dances, these musics, these songs? One day they got up and went out into the streets. No more music, no more dancers. Everyone’s eyes were shining. Nobody knows what happened that year...
A musical flight, a colorful whirlwind that takes us into a huge and crazy party that finally doesn’t need to justify itself to exist.