An innovative format that reconciles scientific rigor and reading pleasure.
In this immersive scientific novel, prehistorian Nicolas Teyssandier takes us into the lives of a group of Sapiens living in what is now the Dordogne region 35,000 years ago.
A documentary novel: everything is invented, but nothing is false! Everything is based on the current state of prehistoric research.
A dialogue is established between the researcher and the readers, to better understand how science reconstructs life in prehistory, and to deconstruct clichés about the first humans, who they were, how they lived, and so on.
Immersive, so that young readers can put themselves in the shoes of the book’s characters, and get an accurate idea of what life was like in prehistoric times.
As the seasons go by, readers are invited to follow this group of Sapiens at close quarters, sharing their lives and activities and discovering their living conditions, skills, beliefs, rituals and a thousand other fascinating details about the life of the first humans.