India is in a relationship with Kallas. They have no desire to have children. One evening, while visiting Desma and Lafayette by the sea, three children appear under the hanging moon, among the dewy vegetation. Their names are Alexander, Domenico and Grimaldi, and they say they have no parents and no history. The adults take them in for the night. But the arrival of these three Little Princes is followed by a huge red and toxic fire that devastates the region. Kallas and India have to take the children to safety at their home in the town. Suddenly, they are a family that shouldn’t exist. The days pass in an upward spiral of love and anguish. Until the past resurfaces.
Johanne Lykke Holm’s writing is precise and precious, heavy with a tragedy to come, like a strange storm about to erupt. It speaks of the tenderness we can show our children, but also of all the fear that comes with becoming a parent, the risk of passing on our misfortune as an inheritance.