A mythical film, a great classic of French cinema, which is also a novel full of humanity.
“Nous ne vieillirons pas ensemble is similar to these great novels of male weakness. Insidiously, the reality of abandonment imposes itself on an incredulous man who abused his power, dreaming of his life and dreaming of his violence. Pialat’s art is that of powerful humanity, without caution, without scruples, without efforts to make the characters sympathetic. We are in the skin, the coarse grain, "the naked man" said Simenon.”
—Jacques Fieschi
These words of Jacques Fieschi (famous film critic but also director and writer), summarize the Pialat method, which dissects without complacency the torments of love. From the initial scheme—the naïf and the magnificent bastard—Pialat creates a text of great finesse, where each character in turn takes the role of the strong and the weak. A great film, but also a memorable novel.