Algeria in the 2000s, popular, far from clichés. An original, intriguing and very successful approach. Lively, masterful writing that communicates great joy. A real gem!
Ouahab grew up in France. At his father’s request, he travels to Algeria where he has everything to discover. His half-brother, Abderrahmane, a shepherd with questionable associations, doesn’t view his arrival favorably. Rahma, his half-sister with a sharp blade, the true cement of the family, is torn between reason, love, and freedom. The father, moody and unhinged, keeps watch over the siblings. There are also the animals, true characters who not only fight among themselves but draw people into their battles. This skillfully constructed family story takes us to Algeria of the 2000s, both urban and rural, with family ranches and road trips across the border.
Through biting humor and lively, flamboyant, and masterful writing, the author tackles with remarkable ease themes heavy with meaning, such as the relationship with the father and blood ties, the role of women and means of their emancipation outside the West, the relationships between humans and animals, lost hopes, and romantic feelings.