Jeong Hai-yeon

La secte des suicidés

The Suicides Cult

March 3, 2022
Detective Fiction
304 pages
154 × 225 mm
20 €
Translated from Korean by Han Yumi and Hervé Péjaudier
																Jeong Hai-yeon, La secte des suicidés
																Jeong Hai-yeon, La secte des suicidés

He-doesn’t-want-to-die! Well, in fact yes, he only dreams of that, Kim Taesong, he even joined a “Suicides cult” to leave this valley of tears. Except that his entourage seems to have only one idea: to murder him. And that’s really not fair.
Keep up, Kim Taesong, don’t let yourself be defeated!

Between Scream and I Saw the Devil, a breathless, horrific and bloody thriller.

The author

Jeong Hai-yeon is not a first-time author. In 2012, she won the Korea Story contest’s excellence award for Jeunesse de cent jours; in 2016, the grand prize in the e-competition launched by the Yes-24 platform with Les enquêtes du charmeur de la résidence Bongmyeong; and, in 2018, first place in the contest organized by CJ E&M and Kakao for Mon meurtre.

Strong points

Weight of suicide in Korea.

A rich heir psychopath.

Cain’s second murder.

March 3, 2022
Detective Fiction
304 pages
154 × 225 mm
20 €
Translated from Korean by Han Yumi and Hervé Péjaudier