Isabelle Pandazopoulos

La décision

March 3, 2016
Youth Novel
256 pages
108 × 178 mm
Illustration de couverture par
Marguerite Courtieu
																Isabelle Pandazopoulos, La décision
																Isabelle Pandazopoulos, La décision

Un matin, Louise, excellente élève de terminale S, a un malaise en plein cours de maths. Quelques instants plus tard, elle accouche seule d’un enfant dont elle ne savait rien, qu’elle n’a pas attendu, encore moins désiré. Assaillie de questions, Louise, la jeune fille sans histoires, croit devenir folle. Pourtant l’évidence est là : ce bébé de 3,3 kg, son fils. Comment l’accepter ? Soutenue par sa famille, ses amis et les professionnels qui l’entourent, Louise va découvrir la vérité et réapprendre à vivre.

The author

For 25 years, Isabelle Pandazopoulos was a teacher of literature, teaching children with severe academic difficulties and mental disabilities. Then she became a trainer at INSPE for specialized teachers and documentalist teachers.
For the past few years, she has devoted herself entirely to writing.
She has published 6 Young Adult novels, selected for numerous prizes, notably the Prix Vendredi and the Prix des Incorruptibles, and all published in the Scripto collection by Gallimard Jeunesse and by Rageot.
She has also adapted texts from Greek mythology, The Odyssey, The Labours of Hercules, and has initiated a new series that tells this same mythology from the point of view of women: Athena, Penelope, Ariadne and Demeter.
She also conducts writing workshops.

The edition

À partir de 13 ans.

March 3, 2016
Youth Novel
256 pages
108 × 178 mm
Illustration de couverture par
Marguerite Courtieu