Encore plus de bruit recounts this tale: that of a gang of writers at the forefront of a musical revolution and the publications—Crawdaddy!, Rolling Stone, Creem, The Village Voice—in which, in the golden age of the ’60s and ’70s, anything was possible.
Ten years ago, Maud Berthomier set out on a journey to meet the pioneers of American rock criticism. While a student in North America, she interviewed the masters of the genre: Peter Guralnick, Lenny Kaye, Nick Tosches, Marcus Greil, Jon Landau, Richard Meltzer, Dave March, Richard Goldstein... Jann Uhelski, the one woman among them, and even an Englishman, Nik Cohn. At the centre of this constellation was Lester Bangs, who died in 1982 and of whom Greil Marcus, his publisher, and Jim DeRogatis, his biographer, provide a vibrant portrait.
These authors created a new literary genre directly plugged into the sounds and energy of the time, at the same time shaping the tastes of both fans and musicians for generations to come.