1950s. In the Nevada desert, the United States experiments their atomic bombs. All around, people were ecstatic about these demonstrations of American power. Schools organize outings to admire the atomic mushrooms, children play with the "snow" that falls on their garden... And it is this setting that Howard Hughes chose to shoot his film The Conqueror with John Wayne and Susan Hayward... But soon in the region, we begin to notice curious phenomena; first the animals, then the breeders and their families are affected. The Atomic Energy Commission wants to reassure: no risk, the radiation is far too low and these medical problems can have so many causes... And then, in this area there are after all only a few Mormons, breeders, Indians and, passing by, a Hollywood team.
Vivianne Perret, in this fictionalized tale, brings back to life the stars who were victims of a cursed shooting as well as those anonymous people who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in History.