“Sometimes you write with an idea in mind, only to realize once you’ve finished the book that another theme has emerged. C’est comme ça que je disparais was about depression, but also about realizing and understanding the links between the social and the intimate. Adieu triste amour, a story of rest and care, was also about taking the time to build oneself up. And both books were about healing. Clémence en colère is about anger, but not only that. It’s also about healing, curing oneself through the group, seeking equality, support, understanding ; trying to change the rules of the game around oneself to, perhaps, improve the rest.”
—Mirion Malle
Anger isn’t such a negative emotion, if you can tame it… it can even be precious, especially for those who are blamed for it. But just as sadness is a nuanced emotion, sometimes sweet, sometimes terrible, that can be enjoyed or brought down, anger is complex. In Clémence en colère, Mirion Malle and her heroine Clémence show us that anger can sometimes devour us, but can also be joyful, ferocious and empowering.
In a moving, powerful story punctuated by the sessions of a discussion group for women who have suffered violence, we follow Clémence’s reconstruction and evolution.
The strength of the collective, support, love and friendship are at the heart of this graphic novel, which closes the cycle begun in 2020 with C’est comme ça que je disparais.