1939. It was supposed to be a few hours of solitude in the heart of rough and steep landscapes for the man, a parenthesis at the end of the day, a hunting party under the crushing Spanish sun. But the unknown man in black appeared in the distance, mysterious and implacable, his rifle in his hand. And the man understood that the target was him. Then began a curious chase, one that could not be avoided, a pursuit with no way out. It remained for the man to understand why, and if one day, he had not himself, without knowing it, opened the door that led to the underworld. Sarasqueta is the story of a fall, of secrets finally revealed and of the accounts that one day must be rendered.
With this poetic, hypnotic novel, Chaïm Helka tells us the story of an inexorable face-to-face encounter with death and debts that we always end up paying.