Jónas hears music in everything. The whistling of the kettle becomes for him a serenade, the humming of the freezer a symphony. He writes everything down in his trusty moleskin notebook. Tired of his life as a publicist and the lukewarmness of his marriage, he leaves Reykjavik for a village in eastern Iceland to compose a decisive work, a Funeral March (for beginners) dictated by the sound of a dying fire, or perhaps an Etude for cello, saw and hammer. But once there, he misplaces the precious notebook containing all his music and all his problems catch up with him. More than ever, he will have to listen to the melodies around him.
Gyrðir Elíasson celebrates music, big or small, but above all inner music. Filled with humor and melancholy, Requiem is a subtle gem about the human soul and creation.