Camille Paix


March 12, 2025
128 pages
140 × 205 mm
16 €

diffusion : Actes Sud
distribution : Union Distribution

																Camille Paix, Carcasses
																Camille Paix, Carcasses

In an organic language that both rasps and lulls, Camille Paix scatters her poems as one would lay out puzzle pieces before themselves. As we journey with her, we discover patterns that repeat beneath the stones: damaged bodies, wounded animals, pearl crowns. How can we make exist what has disappeared, what we can no longer see, touch, or photograph? By throwing open the closets of memory, those of her family but also of others, Camille Paix lets in the ghosts and allows her anger to seep through. Then, surrounding herself with the dear departed women, from Maria Borrély to Joyce Mansour, she stitches back together, poem by poem, the body she first set out to dissect. The poetess thus gives voice to buried emotions and speaks to our senses—evoking in turn the smell of wet wood and the taste of skin—to enter literature with a first collection of great sensitivity.

The author

Journalist for Libération and member of the freelance collective Les Plumé·es, Camille Paix is also an author and poet. She has a keen interest in women’s history and cemeteries, two passions that have led her to draw and write portraits of over two hundred women, gathered in two books published by Cambourakis (Mère Lachaise, 100 portraits pour déterrer le matrimoine funéraire and Mère Lachaise, un tour de France du matrimoine funéraire).

Very present on social networks, her Instagram account @MereLachaise now boasts over 16,000 subscribers.

Strong points

The literary debut of an author already well-known in feminist circles for her work on matrimonial heritage

A sensitive and raw text about transmission and the weight of family memory

A first collection that establishes a new voice in the contemporary poetry scene, following in the footsteps of poets like Aurélie Olivier (Mon corps de ferme) and Hortense Raynal

March 12, 2025
128 pages
140 × 205 mm
16 €

diffusion : Actes Sud
distribution : Union Distribution