Aurélie and Alexis have been in love since they were 20, and have been dreaming of having a child together for almost as long. When Hadrien is born, it’s like the fulfillment of their relationship, like their love coming to life. But the doctors immediately inform them that the child, suffering from a heart defect, has only a few hours to live.
However, the few hours announced became days, days stretched into weeks, weeks into months… Defying the prognosis, Hadrien decided to live. All this extra time is as beautiful as a gift and as trying and terrifying as a threat. The couple faced up to the situation and focused on an absolute necessity: “There was only one thing left to do: to be as happy as possible.”
This is the story of a child who teaches his parents that, however long it lasts, however tormented, a life is worth living for the joys, hope, strength and love it contains; a child who reminds us all how fragile and precious existence is, precious because it is fragile. Through the grace of sincere, sensitive, sometimes raw, quivering writing, the drama reads like a magnificent celebration of life and the absences that nourish it.