Anna and Holly Brillante have found THE program for a DREAM vacation! Volcano lava diving, Martian cocktails, baby elephant polo... anything is possible! Only, this little stay with hot chocolate/lemonade/hen broth/giant marshmallows at will is not free. And so, in order to afford it, they have to get a job. Fortunately, the King and Queen of Brittonia are just leaving for their annual trip to the independent Republic of Boils, and they need babysitters to look after their children. Just one day of babysitting would cover all of Anna and Holly’s vacation expenses... Easy!!! ... or not. Anna and Holly soon find out that they have not one, but six little (monster) princes to look after. Worse, the kingdom of Brittonia is invaded by the infamous Oromeoromeo, king of the Dannians, sworn enemy of King Steve and Queen Sheila... This work day could be the longest of their lives!